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Super Bowl 58 Betting Predictions That Could Reshape NFL Odds

By Hank Blaine

It’s Super Bowl week, which means we have to get to handicapping. This year’s Super Bowl has plenty to like, including a plethora of straight and prop bets that should get any sports betting fan’s heart pumping. There are plenty of wagers that could reshape the odds. Check out NFL betting predictions that will reshape Super Bowl 58 odds leading up to Sunday’s massive game.

What Betting Predictions Could Change the Super Bowl 58 Odds?

Public has pounded the 49ers to -2.5. The pros will go the other way

Some books have San Francisco at -2. Others have the Niners at -2.5. No matter. The point is that the spread line opened as a pick, which means all the early money is going to the San Francisco 49ers.

The prediction is that all the early money are casual or grandma players. A grandma player is an older individual who bets on two things during the year. Grandma puts $2 bucks on a horse to win the Kentucky Derby. Then she has someone put $5 her on a team to cover the spread in the Super Bowl.

That’s not exactly true, of course, but you get it. In any case, the pros are definitely going Patrick Mahomes’ and KC’s way. Sharps aren’t going to give up 2 points on a line that opened at even money.

Total hasn’t moved, which means pro players are thinking over

One of the strongest trends heading into the Super Bowl is that Kansas City games are 5 to the over and 12 to the under this season. Then in the playoffs, the under went 2-1 in KC’s three games.

So far, it’s looks like most bettors are going over the total. That’s the prediction here, anyhow, that the reason the total has yet to move is that casual bettors aren’t interested in the total and sharps haven’t dived in just yet. When the sharps do, they will likely go over.

Prediction #1: Pro players go heavy on KC on Friday and Saturday bringing the line down to SF -1

This prediction makes a ton of sense. Pro players aren’t going to bet until Saturday night or game day. Either way, we should expect pro players to bet on the Kansas City Chiefs.

So much late money should go to KC that the odds on San Francisco dive to -1. So much more can go to Kansas City on game day and in the two hours before kickoff that the odds could end up back at the original pick line.

Prediction #2: Late bettors and pro players back over to bring the total to 48.5

Kansas City plays in a lot of under games, but versus the most comparable squad to the San Francisco 49ers, the Buffalo Bills, the game went over.

KC beat the Bills 27-24. Most bettors, especially pro handicappers, will take that game into consideration when making their over/under total bet.

27 plus 24 equals 53. Enough money should go onto the over that the line rises at least a point to 48.5. If you agree with the prediction, go over right now while it’s still at 47.5.

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*All stated odds are subject to change without prior notice.

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